Santa Fe Wall

On the slopes of the Miravalles Volcano, in the canton of Bagaces, 7 km south of the town of Santa Fe and on the right bank of the ravine of the same name.
Area size
7 m length
300-1550 A.D.

This site has a wall engraved with complex and unique motifs in the mountain range. In addition, it is hidden in a grove of trees, so it is protected from any possible damage.
El motivo principal es una figura humana con un cuerpo alargado, decorado con triángulos entrecruzados, y conectado con líneas simples a modo de extremidades que finalizan con círculos concéntricos que se asocian con manos y pies.
On the left side of this figure, there is a "basketwork" motif framed in a rectangle that was possibly created at a different time than the main motif. On the right side, there are two zoomorphic figures whose bodies are shaped with a grid, and the lower limbs give the idea of movement since the animals—apparently deer—are running.
The deer motif is not repeated in any of the sites visited along the mountain range and could be associated with a narrative of the indigenous mythology of the region.
On the other hand, on the left margin of the wall, a second set of not very visible engravings can be observed, with circular motifs, spirals, or concentric circles that connect with a main rectangle. Given that the rock experienced detachments, it is difficult to explain to what this depiction refers.
The same occurs with the third iconographic group, located on the right margin of the wall, with lines connected to a geometric representation, possibly analogous to the main one, with a central human being and a decorated rectangle accompanying him.
Some designs from this site may correspond to motifs from the ceramic groups, especially in periods ranging from 500 B.C. to 1550 A.D.

Rock representations

Processing techniques



Los petrograbados de este sitio se realizaron posiblemente con picoteado por percusión directa o indirecta, asociado al raspado y alisado.